Soore Vahe
About me

My name is Soore Vahe

I’m a photographer. My passion is capturing the beauty of diversity through my camera lens. I believe in accepting and appreciating differences in race, skin color, gender, geography, environment, and culture. By understanding and accepting these differences, we can create a more tolerant and inclusive society. It’s important to realize that we are all connected and by empathizing with each other, we can build a more compassionate world.

The more a concept or form is seen, the less different and strange it appears.

If a photo depicts a difference in lifestyle, appearance, or thinking, we must make an effort to understand it. However, if a picture highlights an issue such as discrimination, poverty, or human rights violations, we must take steps to solve it. Therefore, nothing in the world should be concealed; it must be either understood or addressed if there is a problem.

This is the ultimate goal of Soore Vahe’s photography.

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